

Savings and Investments

Banks in Europe offer 0% interest, so not only is your money not growing, but inflation erodes your buying power over time

Regular Savings Plans

We all know when it comes to saving, the earlier you start, the better. I can help with disciplined, or ad-hoc savings plans

Lump Sum Investments

Once you have your Emergency Fund saved, you may find yourself building a lump sum and need to know how best to invest it for long-term growth.

Financial Planning Session

Saving and Investing for a particular goal begins with a Financial Planning Session. Set goals, understand your shortfalls, then make informed decisions on where and how to invest.


To have full control over your spending habits, and living within your income means is a key discipline that is needed to achieve financial security

Retirement Strategy

Everyone has their own idea of the perfect retirement, including when and where, and most importantly how they want to enjoy their time. Planning ahead to meet your objectives

Need to Set Up A Disciplined Savings Plan? Get A Consultation

An introductory meeting where we discuss your future plans, establish your current situations and recommendations for savings and investment plans


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