

What do you get?

A 1 hour coaching session where you can get expert guidance on your financial goals.

We start with goal setting, to decide and prioritise your financial needs now, and in the future.

From here, we can build a picture of where you are today, with clear steps and recommendations moving forward to achieve your goals and financial independence.

Things you can expect to cover:

  • Budgeting
  • Risk Profile
  • Tax planning
  • How to invest
  • Passive income 

You'll get your own Financial Planning spreadsheet and a report with a complete overview of your finances, and actions you can begin taking right away.

Qualified Adviser

Sophie is fully qualified with the Chartered Institute of Insurance and a recognised European Financial Adviser

Highly Dedicated

My mission is to Inspire, Educate, and Motivate people to make positive steps towards Financial Freedom

Need expert guidance on your finances? Book a Session

How to Maximise your UK STATE PENSION